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Page Title
PLEIS-NB • Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick :: SPEIJ-NB • Service public d'éducation et d'information juridiques du Nouveau-Brunswick
Meta Description
PLEIS-NB is a non-profit organization and a registered charity. Our mandate is to develop bilingual educational products and services about the law for the general public in order to promote access to the legal system. Our goal is to assist the public in identifying and understanding their legal rights and responsibilities, and attaining self-help skills where appropriate, to improve their ability to deal with legal issues.
Meta Keywords
PLEIS NB, PLEISNB, PLEIS-NB, Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick, charitable giving, donor, charitable cause, charitable organization, registered charity, donation, non-profit organization or not-for-profit organization, fraud, charity, fundraising event, umbrella charity, Companies Act, deduction, income tax, tax return, receipt, tax receipt, Income Tax Act, Corporate Registry, Business Corporations Act, con artist, Lotteries Act, Consumer Affairs, incorporate, liability, company registry, obligations, incorporation, organization, capital stock, acquisition, name search report, Letters Patent, tax-exempt, tax exemption, governing documents, bylaws, T3010A, finances, board of directors, copyright, trademark, defamation, volunteer, legal, liable, children, insurance, Good Samaritan, advice, screen, screening, director, policy, vulnerable, consumer, credit, interest, credit card, fee, secured debt, debt, creditor, Conditional Sales Contract, Chattel Mortgage, unsecured debt, loan, sales, home mortgage loan, debtor, rights, property, collect, collection agency, direct sellers act, direct selling, order, Real Estate Agents Act, Insurance Act, Security Frauds Prevention Act, Private Occupational Training Act, Motor Vehicle Act, license, bonds, vendor license, offence, cancellation rights, purchaser, seller, contract, investigation, pre-arranged, funeral services, Pre-Arranged Funerals Act, deposit, penalty, lawyer, defend, defence, court, criminal, summons, judge, appearance, charged ; accused, trial, plead, guilty, not guilty, police, criminal record, Crown Prosecutor, charges, evidence, courtroom, duty counsel, case, witness, testify, Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick, affidavit, statement, reasonable doubt, guilt, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, justice, warrant, arrest, exclusion order, swear, under oath, cross-examine, arguments, verdict, acquit, free, convicted, sentence, punishment, probation, proceedings, victim, sentencing, probation officer, fine, imprisonment ; jail term, jail ; prison, absolute discharge, conditional discharge, appeal, acquittal, Crown file, Crown witness, objection, questioned, under arrest, summary offence, indictable offence, bail, assault, threat, Criminal Code, convicted, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm, aggravated assault, attack, shelter, compensation, consent, sexual activity, exploitation, age of consent, sexual assault, forced, Victim Services, publication ban, Victim Impact Statement, spanking, corporal punishment, Section 43, Supreme Court of Canada, reasonable force, con artist, investment fraud, pyramid scam, phony tax shelters, too good to be true, peace bond, restraining order, 810 recognizance, condition, subpoena, civil trial, perjury, domestic violence, criminal justice system, woman abuse, contempt, crime, sheriff, teacher, school, intimidation, theft, property damage, Education Act, harassment, Human Rights Code, work ; workplace, Trespass Act, damage, Police Commission, complaint, RCMP, parent, Medical Consent of Minors Act, discrimination, Human Rights Commission, Vital Statistics Act, guardian, abuse, neglect, abused, Child Protection, Birth Registration, paternity test, separation, Divorce Act, common-law, custody, access, Custody Agreement, Separation Agreement, custody order, child support, Child Support Guidelines, mediation, collaborative law, variation, parental abduction, Guardianship Agreement, Guardianship Order, Adoption Order, disclosure, child, babysitter, babysitting, homecare, pension, cohabitation agreement, Marital Property Act, domestic contract, debt, sole custody, joint custody, de facto custody, interim order, separation, conflict, communication, child support, spousal support, dependent, support order, support agreement, guidelines, special expense, undue hardship, split custody, shared custody, standard of living, mediation, Family Support Services, application, court-ordered, enforcement, Family Support Orders Service, method of payment, court administrator, financial statement, New Brunswick, Family Division, Court of Queen?s Bench, tax rules, Election for Child Support Payments, Domestic Legal Aid, family law, Legal Aid New Brunswick, Court Social Worker, payor, marital property, legally binding, consent order, C-OESP, contested, evaluation, Court-Ordered Evaluations Support Program, Application Form, Intake Form, Family Law Information Line, Child Protection, ex parte order, service plan, Supervisory Order, Protective Intervention Order, Custody Order, Guardianship Order, Place of Safety Order, Family Support Orders Service, beneficiary, Notice not to file a support order, garnishment, divorce, uncontested, guide, advice, spouse, Trial Record, Divorce Petition, Clearance Certificate, Certificate of Divorce, forms, legislation, service, Joint Petition, Registrar, marriage certificate, Vital Statistics, Commissioner of Oaths, income tax return, court file number, Notice of Discontinuance, proof of service, Affidavit of service, Acknowledgement of receipt card, affidavit evidence, Court hearing, Certificate of Readiness, Notice of Hearing, Divorce Judgment, Title, judicial district, mediator, collaborative law process, jurisdiction, motion, swear under oath, summons, courtroom, applicant, abduction, variation, kit, Form 72J, Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, ISO, animal abuse, firearms, getting married, marriage, cycle of violence, financial abuse, leaving abuse, transition house, spousal assault, victim, child ; children, emergency shelter, safety plans, moving forward, survival strategies, abused women, physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse ; emotional, training, service provider, Woman Abuse Protocols, Collective Response, signs of abuse, abusive relationship, exploitation, Regional Resource Planning and Action Networks, Human Rights Commission, Acadian Peninsula, Carleton, Chaleur, Charlotte, Fredericton, Kings, Albert, Madawaska, Victoria, Miramichi, Moncton, Restigouche, Saint John, Westmorland, Kent, immigrant women, criminal charges of harassment, permanent resident, sponsorship, landed immigrant, adults with disabilities, seniors, adult protection, Premier?s Council on the Status of Disabled Persons, Office of the Public Trustee, Committee of the Estate, personal care, child abuse, tips, internet safety, Child and Youth Advocate, Human Rights Act, discrimination, sexual harassment, checklist, toolkit, spiritual abuse, employee, employer, psychological, consequences, impact ; repercussions, abduction, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Family Law Line, policy ; policies, employee assistance program, awareness, corporate citizen, unhealthy relationship, status, reserve, Indian Act, aboriginal, interim custody order, New Brunswick Coalition of Transition Houses, crisis intervention, protection order, skit, small claims, claimant, litigation guardian, third parties, claim, withdrawal, Payment Agreement, default judgment, adjudicator, counterclaim, after judgment interest, appeal, Small Claims Act, trial de novo, limitation period, provincial government, Crown Corporations, notice of appeal, transcript, judgment creditor, judgment debtor, Registry Office, order for seizure and sale, Victim Services, publication ban, compensation for victims of crime program, restitution, Fatal Accidents Act, Uninsured Automobile Fund, parole hearing, testimonial aid, screen, court support person, closed circuit tv, Criminal Code Review Board, mental disorder, volunteer, victim impact statement, referral card, real estate law, downpayment, legal fees, real property transfer tax, real property taxes, building location survey, fire insurance, agent, appraiser, real estate lawyer, offer to purchase, house, buy, sell, sale, firm offer, conditional offer, offer to purchase, purchaser, vendor, deposit, purchase price, closing date, title search period, chattels, fixtures, zoning, registered restrictions, statement of adjustments, mortgage, equity, term, amortization, lender, listing agreement, MLS listing, exclusive listing, open listing, landlord, tenant, lease, Standard Form of Lease, Residential Tenancies Act, security deposit, rent, notice of rent increase, notice of termination, notice to vacate, notice of complaint, notice to quit, assignment, sublet, subletting, eviction, Provincial Offences Procedure Act, Office of the Rentalsman, mobile home site, Standard Form of Lease for Mobile Home Sites, Trespass Act, Fish and Wildlife Act, trespassing, no trespassing, Crown Land, tort law, civil dispute, nuisance, defamation, libel, slander, plaintiff, will, intestate, Devolution of Estates Act, partially intestate, Provision for Dependants Act, letters of administration, family assets, beneficiaries, testator, estate, executor, Wills Act, Provision for Dependants Act, holograph will, checklist, alternate, probate, letters probate, Probate Court Act, Public Administrator, burial arrangements, Probate Court, solicitation, powers of attorney, enduring power of attorney, donor, principal, donee, attorney, agent, power of attorney for personal care, mentally incompetent, obligation, pass accounts, Infirm Persons Act, shared ownership, trusts, life tenancies, mental competency assessment, nursing home, long term health care, transfer, net income, net family income, Standard Family Contribution policy, Nursing Homes Act, Nursing Homes Act Regulations, solicitor-client privilege, flat fee, fixed fee, contingency fee, percentage fee, Criminal Legal Aid, Duty Counsel, Law Society, Registrar of Complaints, Office of the Ombudsman, authority, rules of procedural fairness, non-discretionary decisions, discretionary decisions, administrative tribunal, disclosure, Right to Information Act, Family Income Security Appeal Board, Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission, Assessment and Planning Appeal Board, Municipal Heritage Preservation Act, official languages, Official Languages Act of New Brunswick, Legislative Assembly, legislature, active offer, bilingual, Commissioner of Official Languages, confidentiality, insurance, Insurance Act, Superintendent of Insurance, insurance company, student, Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick, PLEIS-NB, PLEIS, Video Lending Library, animal abuse, pet, farm animal, Canadian Firearms Program, domestic homicide, hunting rifle ; shotgun, handgun, Safer Families Safer Communities, warning signs, wife battering, domestic violence, elder abuse, Abuse Protocols, myth, fact, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, plain language, literacy, Absolute discharge, accountability, Activities, Adult Sentences, Arrest, Bullying, Bullies, Canadian, Cautions, Child, Community Justice Forums, Community, Compensation, Conditional discharge, Conferencing, Consequences, Court, Crime, Custody, Detention, Duty Counsel, Extra-judicial measures, Fines, Fingerprints, Games, Guiding Principles, Guilty, Hybrid offence, in conflict with the law, indictable offence, intervention, Open Custody, Out-of-court responses, Parents, Plea, Police Record, Police, Prevention, Probation, Prohibition order, Prosecutor, protective factors, records, rehabilitation, reintegration, reparations, Reprimand, Resources, Restitution, risk factors, Root Causes, Sanctions, Secure Custody, sentences, sentencing, Serious offences, Special Needs, Summary conviction offence, Support, Teachers, Trial, victim-offender mediation, Video, violent offences, Y.C.J.A., Y.O.A., YCJA, Young Offenders Act, Youth , Youth Court, Youth Criminal Justice Act, Youth Records
Most Recent Data
7 hours, 46 minutes ago
Historical Data
Date Status Server
2025-03-16 01:48:05 Active nginx

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